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February Tests

This month's tests are Walk Test 1, Trot Test 3, Rising Stars Lead Rein Test and Freestyle Test.


This month gives you an opportunity to begin the training program, working through the tests progressively from Walk Test 1 all the way to Canter Test 3, over a 12 month period. Or, if you have already begun training, you could start halfway through, with Trot Test 3.


Walk Test 1 This simple test is designed to assess riding of turns, circles and changes of bend, and transitions between halt and walk. It includes serpentines, shallow loops and halt transitions, all in walk.


Trot Test 3 includes shallow loops and 1/2 20m circles in rising trot, halt to trot transitions, and half turns on the forehand. This test is for horses that have begun trot work in the arena, can make balanced transitions between walk and trot in the arena, and can trot for longer periods in open spaces. performing balanced walk-trot-walk transitions, and able to maintain rising trot for longer in open spaces. The horse should be able to maintain a consistent rhythm in trot through turns and changes of bend. The horse can do lateral work in walk. Fitness is important – and it is best to build up fitness by riding out before serious work is begun in the arena. 


Rising Stars Lead Rein Test has its own separate mark scheme, and aims to encourage quiet, beautiful riding and considerate attitude to the horse. It is designed for young riders or those with special needs, but can be entered by anybody.


Freestyle Test is an opportunity to show off what you and your horse enjoy doing. You can design your own test or ride any test that you are working towards. Choose 10 movements within the test that you would like to be assessed on, and write them down in the sheet provided. Each movement is judged on synchronisation and aids (this is measured by how you look at one with the horse, with invisible aids and elegant riding) and correctness and accuracy (basically how well the movement is executed). The test can be ridden with or without music. 


Each test is available for a small arena (20m x 40m) or a large arena (20m x 60m). If using a large arena, instructions are included on how to convert it to a small arena, using the existing letters to ride the test.

Each test comes with an advice sheet, which explains how to ride the movements. 


Please click on the link below to download your chosen test.


Rising Stars Lead Rein Test 20 x 40 arena

Rising Stars Lead Rein Test 20 x 60 arena


Freestyle Test



Test 1

Walk Test 1 - 20 x 40 arena

Walk Test 1 - 20 x 60 arena


Test 7

Trot Test 3 - 20 x 40 arena

Trot Test 3 - 20 x 60 arena


Sentient Riding Marking Criteria











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