Competitions - Online or Live
The inclusive online video dressage competition aims to enable anybody to compete in classical dressage. We aim to provide tests that are interesting and conducive to producing balance and lightness even at the lower levels. The tests and feedback can be also be used as part of a training program.
Sentient riding aims to bring out the best. We believe that online competitions are great because horses and riders often perform better in a familiar environment. There are no general restricitions on gear as we believe that every horse is an individual and should be allowed to wear whatever works well. However, if we feel there is a welfare issue, we may ask you to resubmit the test with a change to gear. An example of this would be an over tight noseband.
Sentient riding strongly rewards balanced riding and light aids. Strong or rough aids and unbalanced riding result in lower marks.
The tests are divided into 3 categories:
Walk - Begins with simple school figures and halt transition, and progresses to lateral work.
Trot - begins with walk- trot- walk transitions and introduces small amounts of trot, incorporated with lateral work in walk. Then introduces longer stretches of trot and lateral work in trot
Canter - introduces trot - canter and walk - canter transitions, small amounts of canter work and lateral work in sitting trot.
Each test comes with an accompanying explanation, and participants are encouraged to contact us with any further questions, because the tests are marked quite differently from traditional dressage tests. To view the marking criteria, click here.
The competition is judged by Enlightened Equitation Teacher Diana Waters.
All competitors receive a Sentient Riding feedback form which breaks down the marks clearly so that you can see exactly how you have been marked.
First 3 places receive a beautiful rosette.
Diana is no longer running regular monthly competitions. However, if individuals or riding clubs wish to host a competition, please contact her. Competitions can be run online via video (judged within a week, rosettes and feedback forms provided) or I can come to your club and judge a competition or run a protocol day with rosettes. I can also provide training for coaches so that next time they can judge their own.
Click here to view a video example of Walk Test 1.